I met this family for the first time last year so I was so thankful to be able to photograph them again this year AND see how much sweet little Rowan had grown. She was almost 18th months during this session and if you have kiddos yourself you know it’s that toddler time where they want to run around and do what they want to do, but yet you still have so much fun! We decided to start outside in the front of their home! I love that we got one with the whole house in the frame – this image will be such a keepsake!!! Is their house not the cutest, too?
I also love it when families want their sessions at their home! Cleveland does have so many beautiful areas outside for outdoor sessions, but there is something so special about doing it in the place you actually live and spend so much of your time.
It appears that Rowan was NOT a fan of her Mom getting this kiss from Dad, but she was more than happy when she got double kisses immediately after! Ha!
I’m pretty sure we were singing “If you’re happy and you know it” for the images below this.
I love these special images with Mama below (even the super sassy-toddler-who-doesn’t-want-to-do-what-they’ve-been-asked image – because that is 100% real life at this stage):
Along with that one, there is the toddler one below too! These images tend to make me laugh the most and I think parents truly do appreciate them as well. Don’t worry – this sweet girl perked right up and we got her happy in no time!
Of course I had to get some images of Rowan and her not so little dog too!
Lastly, some sweet pictures of her and her Dad together. Your heart might melt…
Thanks for such a fun session, Monroe Family!
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